
Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Tea Party's true motives.

It's Time We Admit the Truth: The Tea Party is Hoping for the Downfall of the United States (Click here to read more)

April 24, 2014 By Allen Clifton
My belief that the tea party is a form of terrorist group has sparked quite the debate.  While I don't consider them a terrorist group in the same sense of the stereotypical radical Islamist militant group most people think of, in my eyes they're still a domestic terrorist organization.
I fully believe that if it wasn't for the fact that we live in a modern society, they'd be every bit as violent as the terrorists who hide out in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
These individuals hate the federal government.  I've been to a couple of tea party events.  I've talked to many of these radical right-wing tea party "patriots."  Many of these people are dangerous, and a lot of them are sitting around waiting for something to give them an excuse to "rise up" in some kind of armed rebellion against the federal government.
Heck, many of them are hoping for it.  How many images can we find on the Internet with people at tea party events carrying signs that allude to the fact that they're not armed "this time"?  Many of these people hoard guns and cling to our Second Amendment, for the sole belief that they're preparing themselves for the violent overthrow of the federal government.
Just look at the situation in Nevada with Cliven Bundy.  I've asked several conservatives I've spoken with since that story broke to tell me why they sided with Bundy.  Outside of him being a white male rancher facing off against the "big bad federal government," most of them had no idea what the whole situation was about.   That's all they needed to know to support armed protestors aiming guns at federal officials.
But what these people are really upset with is they live in a world where they believe what they want to be real is more important than reality itself.  To them, "freedom of religion" only applies to their religion.  To them, "freedom of speech" only applies to speech they support.  When the Supreme Court grants rights to certain individuals who they don't feel should have them (a power given to the court by our Constitution), they'll argue that those rights are unconstitutional.
They so badly want this country to be founded on Christianity, but it wasn't.  And despite the fact that the words "Christian" or "Christianity" don't appear even once in our entire Constitution, they'll still maintain it was founded on Christianity.

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