
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Nuke 'em! Nuke em good!

Mon Mar 24, 2014

 Yep, Mitt Romney is still bitter (Click here to view original post)

by Jed LewisonFollow for Daily Kos
Bitter Mitt Romney on CBS' Face the Nation television:
    "There's no question but that the president's naiveté with regards to Russia, and his faulty judgment about Russia's intentions and objectives, has led to a number of foreign policy challenges that we face," Romney declared. "And unfortunately, not having anticipated Russia's intentions, the president wasn't able to shape the kinds of events that may have been able to prevent the kinds of circumstances that you're seeing in the Ukraine."

Yes! President Obama is naive. Unlike Mitt Romney.

So let us all nod somberly and thank our lucky stars that CBS was willing to broadcast Mitt's sage analysis-and that Mitt was willing to take time out from his busy (?) schedule to deliver it.

But please, do not wonder what in the world Mitt would be doing differently, because we already know: It would be something less naive. Like nuking Russia, perhaps? Over Crimea. Get 'em! Get 'em good!


  1. Mitt would be figuring out a way to make some money on the deal. Like he probably is doing anyway.

  2. I hadn't thought of that, but you're probably right.
