
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Republicans hating on democracy and America

Goldilocks Old Party: Making the laws just right (Click on this heading to read more) (mark Sumner)
Sunday, February 23, 2014, 9:18 pm
As it turns out Goldilocks is a Republican. You know the story: young girl with little regard for personal property, breaks into a wilderness cabin, steals and vandalizes. Granted, young and female are not terms often associated with the modern Republican Party, but the attitude? That's just perfect. Anything you don't like? Tear it up.
It's exactly the attitude the a Republican Party has adopted when it comes to the application of laws.  You see, some federal laws are too big.
    The Missouri Senate on Thursday passed two bills: one outlining federal gun law nullification ...
    The federal gun law nullification bill, sponsored by Sen. Brian Nieves, R-Washington, passed on a vote of 23 to 10.
    The bill would declare all federal gun laws null and void, and law enforcement agents enforcing those bills would be subject to up to a year in prison and a $1,000 fine.
That takes care of that. All federal gun laws, including the Federal Firearms Act of 1934, which prohibited most folks from owning fully automatic machine guns, grenades, and poison gas, to the Gun Control Act of 1968, which created the Federal Firearms License system for gun manufacturers and dealers, gone just like that. Why drive an Escalade that merely looks like a tank, when you can drive a tank?

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