
Monday, February 24, 2014

Another means by which we could reduce gun deaths

Fingerprint Recognition For Guns Saves Lives (Click on this heading to read more)

David Garber
Thursday, February 20, 2014, 12:09 pm
For a while, about ten years ago, there was a rash of car break-ins where the only thing stolen was the car radio. It was a very easy item for the crooks to fence. The huge numbers of incidents of these thefts rose so high that the car manufacturers and the car radio makers got together to address this problem. And you know what? They did and so successfully that the number of radio thefts dropped precipitously.
Now almost all cars are equipped with radios that have an anti-theft mechanism. If you steal a radio, you need a special code to activate it. Even if your power goes out in your car -- the battery dies -- you need the code to activate it. So a stolen radio won't work and hence you won't be buying too many "hot" music making devices.
Necessity is the mother of all invention, or so the saying goes. And Senator Ed Markey (D-Massachusetts) has a new proposal to cut down on accidental and even intentional gun violence.  He plans on introducing new federal gun legislation that would require all firearms manufactured in the U.S. to be equipped with "personalization technology," so that if a weapon lands in the wrong hands, it can't be fired.
For the uninitiated, that means all guns must come with fingerprint recognition -- similar to ID codes for radios -- so that they can not be fired except by the licensed, registered owner. It doesn't stop gun sales. It only stops unauthorized use of these weapons.

[Bozo - The NRA is fond of claiming that "if guns are made illegal, then only criminals will have guns." The position being that criminals will steal the guns they need. This shoots one hell of a hole in THAT argument (excuse the pun), doesn't it?]

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