
Saturday, November 23, 2013

{Snicker} Why the hell is she a Republican?

This Woman State GOP Chair is Paid $20k Less Than Her Male Predecessor (Click on this heading to read more)

Susan Hutchinson, the chair of the Washington state Republican party, earns $20,000 less than her male predecessor, and her request for equal pay has kicked off an ugly internal spat among state GOP leaders.

The Washington GOP executive committee voted to cut the party chair's salary from $95,000 to about $75,000 in August, shortly before Hutchinson was elected to the position. Officials cited a budget shortfall. But in an internal memo to the committee, which the Seattle Times uncovered earlier this week, Hutchinson said that the vote violated the party's bylaws and could be seen as "discriminatory and vindictive."

"The pay cut defies the concept of equal pay for equal work, playing into the 'war on women' narrative against Republicans," she wrote.

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