
Monday, October 21, 2013

When newscasters are biased....

Dionne derails Gregory's segment on Obama 'leadership': You mean 'adopt Republican positions' (Click on this headline to read more)

During an NBC's Meet the Press segment titled "Presidential Leadership," [host David] Gregory wanted to know when Obama was going to "demonstrate he can bring along converts to his side and actually get something meaningful accomplished."

MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell agreed that leadership was the "real test" for the president.

"The question he's never answered in all these years is, 'How do I build a government majority in this circumstance?'" New York Times columnist David Brooks opined. "He's got 40 House Republicans who are never going to be with him. How does his siphon them off and get the other Republicans on his side to get a majority coalition? You have to anger the left a little to build that bipartisan coalition."

[Washington Post columnist E.J.] Dionne, however, concluded the segment by disputing its entire premise.

"A lot of times, though, when people say the president should lead, what they want him to do is adopt Republican positions and then push for those," Dionne explained. "That's not leadership, that's capitulation."

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