- The "evidence" being offered by the administration sounds suspiciously like the evidence we were offered prior to invading Iraq. Where's the proof that some of the militants didn't gas their own people in order to draw the U.S. into the war?
- There are unknown consequences - how will other nations in the world react, especially since we have no coalition of NATO forces nor the approval of the U.N.? Will Iran or the Soviet Union respond in some negative way?
- Why is the use of chemical weapons any more immoral than Assad's use of conventional military force (bullets, missiles, bombs) against his own people? We didn't stop him before - why the need to play "big brother" now?
- Those who are fighting against Assad are a sordid lot - some may well be partners with with al Qaeda or other terrorist organizations. Who are we helping here? Tribes that will hate us and declare Jihad against us once we've helped them defeat Assad?
- We're going to drop bombs and some innocent people will be killed. We are doing that because innocent people were killed. Does that mean some other nation has the right to drop bombs on us to kill innocent people for dropping bombs and killing innocent people on Syria for dropping chemical bombs and killing innocent people? Do you understand how f'ing stupid this is?
- Are we really any more moral that the nation we are going to attack? Remember Abu Ghraib? Remember water-boarding? Remember rendition of our political prisoners? Remember Guantanamo? Why are some acts of murder/torture more horrific than others? Why do we consider ourselves more moral than Syria? I don't think we are - I think we are hypocrites.
- I heard Kerry say to Congress that this is not an actual act of war because there won't be any soldiers on the ground. Again - does anyone else think this has to be the argument a three-year-old would put forth? "I'm not really fighting with my sister, mommy, because I only punched her once and I didn't chase her down the hall and punch her 5 times."
Thursday, September 05, 2013
I remain vehemently opposed to attacking Syria...
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