
Monday, August 19, 2013

You can't get much more immoral than this...

Detroit firefighters and police face pension cuts with no safety net. Not even Social Security.

Spirit of Detroit statue
Losing a pension you've worked years to earn is a nightmare scenario, one that can change a comfortable, secure retirement into one filled with worries and penny-pinching as Social Security goes from being part of your retirement income to all of it. For public workers in many places, including firefighters and police in Detroit, it's a doomsday scenario, because they don't get Social Security at all.

About 30 percent of public employees nationwide aren't covered by Social Security; government workers weren't covered by the program at its inception and while many have been moved under its umbrella over the years, some cities, towns, and states continue to run pension plans that don't include Social Security. Detroit's firefighters and police are in that group:
Of the nearly 21,000 city retirees now collecting pensions, 9,017 retired police officers, firefighters or their surviving spouses don’t get Social Security, or about 44 percent of all city pensioners.

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