
Saturday, August 03, 2013

Republican hate is overwhelming us

From Carolina Naturally
(Click on the link to read more)

Few Americans ever witness firsthand the level of evil human beings are capable of in countries where monstrous dictators slaughter their own citizens, or partisan extremists murder innocent civilians based on their ethnicity or religious affiliation; that is a benefit of living in a civilized society. However, there is an element in this country exhibiting the same inhumane qualities toward their fellow citizens that Americans hear about in lawless African nations and governments dominated by Islamic extremists, and the atrocities are at the hands of repugicans beholden to corporations and religious extremists. It appears that just as one thinks repugicans can hardly stoop any lower in their assault on Americans, they sink to another level of severity and it is unlikely the people have seen or felt the full force of inhumanity inherent in extremism permeating the repugican cabal.

There are hardly comparisons in American history of an entire party acquiescing to the will and whim of extremists in their ranks, and their willingness to act in concert with cruel fanatics condemns the entire party; not just the extremist wing. What is astonishing, really, is that after four years of obstruction, phony debt crises, killing jobs, attacks on women, and obviously deliberate attempts to thwart economic recovery that cost them dearly in the 2012 election, repugicans could not even wait for 2013 to unleash more severity on the people. It is true a major factor in the repugican cabal's four-year assault on Americans has its basis in their racial animus toward President Obama, but after he won re-election it is glaringly obvious their hatred is toward the American people as much as the government meant to serve them.

The first few months of 2013 were dominated by repugican atrocities such as blocking benign gun safety measures, wasting time repealing the Affordable Care Act, fabricated scandals involving the IRS doing its job, the attack on diplomats in Benghazi, and blocking the budget process after Senate Democrats passed a budget the repugican cabal complained was lacking for four years.
In fact, following up their non-existent performance in the President's first term, repugicans have made absolutely no attempt to govern save their rapid deployment to pass legislation protecting wealthy airline passengers "suffering" the effects of their sequester cuts. However, the past two months have brought out the most extreme assault on Americans in repugican states and in Congress, and no demographic is being spared callous disregard that is the new normal in repugican politics.

In several repugican-controlled states legislators are attacking women's rights with impunity and they are using despicable means to achieve their goals from inserting harsh abortion restrictions in anti-Muslim legislation in North Carolina, to slipping personhood legislation in a budget in Ohio redefining pregnancy. In Wisconsin, Koch acolyte Scott Walker signed legislation into effect making forced ultrasounds mandatory including, in some cases, invasive transvaginal ultrasounds Walker claimed helps improve a woman's ability to make an informed choice as well as being beneficial to women's health.

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