
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Obama only barely better than the alternative

From The Political Carnival
(Click on the link to read more)

[Obama and public prayer ]

Recently I wrote a post called "Somebody talk me down" in which I expressed my frustration and angst over a Los Angeles Times piece, White House takes GOP side on church-state case, buttressed by an article from back in May, Atheist Invocation Sparks Inevitable Demagoguery.

Here are excerpts from the Times article:

In a potentially far-reaching case on separation of church and state, the Obama administration and Republican lawmakers tell the Supreme Court they support easing limits on prayers at meetings.

The Obama administration and congressional Republicans have found something to agree on: Town councils should be allowed to open their meetings with a Christian prayer.

Lawyers for the administration and two groups of lawmakers from the House and Senate, nearly all Republicans, separately made that argument in briefs to the Supreme Court this week. The high court should relax the constitutional limits on religious invocations at government meetings, they argued.

The case could lead to a major change in the law on religion that would go well beyond prayers at council meetings.

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