
Monday, August 19, 2013

Arne Duncan is a joke of an educator

Arne Duncan, STFU About Public Schools and Pay Attention

Last week New Yorkers got the bad news about their students' test scores when they heard that they had dropped dramatically from prior years, largely due to the fact that New York is one of the first states to incorporate the Bill Gates-developed Common Core standards into their standardized testing.
Right on cue, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan started snorting and stomping about what failures public schools are, but he evidently wouldn't have passed the reading section of the same test, since the scores revealed a pesky detail he overlooked:
A bipartisan crew of education reformers, including Duncan, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and many others, have pushed charter schools as one solution to boost student learning. Yet charters, which are publicly funded but privately managed, fared particularly poorly on the new tests.

Just 23 percent of charter students scored proficient in language arts, compared with 31 percent in public schools overall. That’s a greater gap than had shown up in last year’s exams.

In math, charter schools beat the public school average in each of the past two years — but not this year. On the new tests, just 31 percent of charter students scored proficient, the same as in public schools overall.

{This past year I was interested in doing a little tutoring in math - called the local school to see if I could borrow a new math text. I was told there weren't any - New York State had instituted all of these new Common Core standards and all the teachers had to teach from were rough outlines of what the state expected and some online materials not directly correlated with the Common Core. It's almost as if these jokers WANT the public schools to fail. Assholes! - Bozo]

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