
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Getting a grasp of the Chirstian Right.

From Crooks and Liars
 (Click on the link to read more)

God's Foreign Policy: Christian Zionism

You are seeing the King of the South come together with lightning speed. . . Can you imagine what Israel faces with Iran, Egypt, Syria, Turkey and Russia coming after them? The prophet Ezekiel clearly predicted this battle thousands of years ago and you are watching the players get into position with lightning speed. ??Jesus said: "When you see these signs, lift up your head and rejoice." --- John Hagee, Founder, Christians United for Israel (CUFI)

Christian Zionism has been around since the 1600s, when England's deeply religious King James I was studying a book of bible commentary that suggested that the End of Days would take place in what was then Palestine. A pre-condition of the final battle of Armageddon, he read, was that 12,000 members of each of the twelve Hebrew tribes must return from the diaspora to Zion.

Now, four hundred years later, when John Hagee, Sarah Palin or Mike Huckabee talk about the "ingathering," they are speaking a coded language that refers not just to the return of the Jews to Israel, but also to the Christian Zionist yearning for the battle they believe it prefigures. Within their eschatological vision lies the very potential for Israel's undoing, for it is a vision fueled by a deliberate intent to incite sufficient hatred to set the Muslim, and ultimately the entire world on fire. And thanks to the efforts of John Hagee, the founder of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas and of his million-member Christian Zionist lobby (CUFI), the final battle may well come in the form of a nuclear holocaust that Christian Zionists both desire and encourage.

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