
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Think Paula Deen's the only one?

Racism is still prevalent in the U.S., and it impacts our laws, law enforcement agencies, politicians, and employers.

From Daily Kos
(Click on the link to read more.)

Illinois GOP official resigns after racist, sexist screed against Republican candidate

A county Republican Party chairman in central Illinois called a black female congressional candidate the "love child" of the Democratic party; a "street walker" whose "pimps" are party leaders; and suggested that after the election, she will be "working for some law firm that needs to meet their quota for minority hires."


Yowza. And this, my Republican friends, is why many people consider the Republican Party to be a barrel of the thickest racist, sexist sludge that can be dredged from the countryside. The only proper party response to this is "oh, you are so damn fired," but the only way the Republican Party will ever gain the wider support of any group of Americans that are not lily-white males is to go for some modest stretch of time without these things happening. There's no damn way that this was the first racist or sexist utterance this guy ever said; you don't fire off an email like that unless you've said things like that before, and unless it's something that, in at least some contexts, you have found it acceptable to say. This County chair clearly runs in a crowd that says, well, things like that.

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