
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bloomberg and his gun control efforts

Good on him, is what I say.

From Daily Kos
(Click on the link to read more)

Bloomberg asks donors to cut off red-state Democratic senators over gun votes.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is stepping up his campaign against Democratic senators who voted in April against new gun regulations, most notably extending background checks for private gun sales. In a personal letter going out today, the mayor is urging Democratic donors in his state to cut off their contributions to four conservative Democrats.

The move will surely add fuel to the already inflamed relationship between Bloomberg and Senate Democratic leaders who have previously told the mayor that attacking these senators could bolster Republican strength in the Senate, which would obviously hurt future chances for tougher gun laws.

But that complaint will no doubt be ignored. Deputy Mayor Howard Wolfson, a long-time strategist for the New York State Democratic Committee and a strong advocate of Hillary Clinton, recently said: "The fact that a Republican would get elected is irrelevant to our cause. On this issue, a Republican would not be worse." Given that most Republicans want even looser gun laws, Wolfson's assessment seems well off the mark.

[Question for the Democratic Party - when is a Democrat not a Democrat? Maybe when they don't support Democratic principles?]

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