
Monday, May 20, 2013

Republicans will bring down the US government

Do we have a revolution in the making? What will Obama do to maintain the well-being of the U.S. government when the Re4publicans do nothing about the debt limit come this summer?

We have every indication that GOP obstructionism is becoming more firmly implanted in Congress and we are going to get hit hard. Hang on to your hats, folks.

Here are two other indications of how obstructionist the conservatives are becoming...

From Daily Kos
(Click on the link to read more)

Senate Republicans continue on the road to intentionally shutting down the National Labor Relations Board this summer. The labor board, which protects workers' right to organize or not as they choose, can't function without a three-member quorum, which it won't have once a current member's term expires. The board is in legal limbo, in any case, with two appeals courts having overturned recess appointments President Obama made to allow it to function despite Republicans blocking his nominations. Obama has renominated the NLRB's current members, including recess appointees Richard Griffin and Sharon Block, and has nominated two Republicans. Mitch McConnell is having none of it:

And the following is from Crooks and Liars
(Click on the link to read more)

Heritage Foundation To GOP: Attack Obama, Don't Govern

Jim DeMint's Heritage Foundation is busy at work figuring out how to make sure Republicans are completely marginalized in 2014. As their faux scandals fall apart as rapidly as they're concocted, DeMint's minions are instructing Eric Cantor and John Boehner to please, please just keep attacking the president and forget about governing altogether.

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