
Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Spreading the stupid

Not only do many Republicans represent stupid ideas, but they want to be sure these stupid ideas are passed on to the next generation. Oh, woe is us.

From The Political Carnival...

According to Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, equal opportunity is so important that when it comes to their children's education, parents need a choice! Just like slaves did back in the day! Because, see, slavery was a choice. Um what?

Crazy Crawfish:

    [U]nder Jindal's guidance, Louisiana is encouraging voucher schools to open up and teach that slavery was just a choice, and not an entirely bad one.

    "A few slave holders were undeniably cruel. Examples of slaves beaten to death were not common, neither were they unknown. The majority of slave holders treated their slaves well."-United States History for Christian Schools, 2nd ed., Bob Jones University Press

    This is just one of the "facts" being taught in voucher schools supported by taxes paid by everyone. Jindal seems to believe the greater sin is to curtail choice, than it is to allow the promotion of the idea that slavery wasn't really that big of a deal, that if not for the actions of a few slave holders that beat and mistreated their slaves, slavery was generally a good thing.

    Jindal's voucher school supporters believe that owning people, another race of people, was actually much ado about nothing. Sure, many slaves were raped, tortured, murdered and forced to work under the burning sun every day until they died, their children sold and traded like pieces of furniture, and adults bred like animals to produce good livestock to be enslaved or sold to others. . .  but for the most part it was a good deal and if not for a few miscreants that mistreated their slaves it might well be a great idea to employ today.

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