
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Far right kooks...

Further proof of this...

Written by Christ Hedges for Truthdig.

"Those who retreat into fantasy cannot be engaged in rational discussion, for fantasy is all that is left of their tattered self-esteem. When their myths are attacked as untrue it triggers not a discussion of facts and evidence but a ferocious emotional backlash."

Thanks, Chris, for writing that - it is a couple of lines that help me understand the world.

Can be found on Daily Kos...

American Family Association director says 'homofascists' coming for anti-gay Christians

I don't know what exactly gay Americans have done to America's diverse collection of far-right imbeciles to convince them that we are so very close to rounding up all the anti-gay social conservatives and putting them in camps, but they're obsessed over the notion. First it was far-right talk show host Janet Mefferd, who I initially ignored because who the hell cares about Janet Mefferd:

    Talk show host Janet Mefferd posted a link to Starnes' article on her Facebook page today, noting that she can soon see the "day when every Christian who supports real marriage might be made to wear a yellow patch on the sleeve, a 'badge of shame' to identify us as 'anti-gay haters.' Kind of like the Jews in Nazi Germany."

Now American Family Association spokesthing Bryan Fischer has made the near-identical claim:

    On his radio program today, Bryan Fischer discussed the same story and made a similar prediction, saying "we're getting to the point where these homofascists are going to force us to wear on our sleeve some kind of identifying marker so people will know who the racists and the homophobes and the bigots are":

First off, do you know who else had to wear patches and were sent to concentration camps in Nazi Germany? That's right, gay people, so these twits should probably shut their goddamn traps about that particular subject. Second, homofascist really is a sparkler of a word, and really brings home both the intense hatred and the abject stupidity that makes Fischer such an eloquent spokesman for the far-right radical fringe. What a treasure.

And third: Really? These people really think that there is an ultra-powerful gay lobby that is only one or two more signatures away from putting all the nice bigoted quasi-Christians in jail? How the hell do these people get through each day without melting into a tiny, bile-filled pool of rage and paranoia? Do they really walk down the street in terror, lest one of America's many ultra-powerful gay people come right then and there to take them and their fellow nutjobs away? Oh-and are the gay people in league with the United Nations? What about the manatees, are the manatees involved too?

How do you get this nuts? And why the hell would you want to?

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