
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Armed security in schools?

Looking at the empirical evidence is important whenever we think of taking something from a small scale and extending it to full scale. What have security officers done in schools where we already have them? We know that Columbine had a security officer - and Virginia Tech had a security force - neither of which saved any lives during their mass shootings. Is there any other evidence?

Gawker reports...
[Follow the link to read more]

What Police Officers Protecting High Schools Are Actually Doing
Maggie Lange   

When police officers first became a common fixture in high schools in the 1990s, school districts presumably had expectations that the law enforcement would protect students from violence. Instead, the police have found themselves mired in problems usually reserved for a constantly exasperated Vice Principal: disciplining trouble-makers, chasing after scofflaws, scolding ruffians, and tracking down truants. As a result, the number of kids sent to court has increased in school districts where police are present at schools. A criminologist at the University of Maryland and expert in school violence, Denise Gottfredson, said:

    "There is no evidence that placing officers in the schools improves safety. And it increases the number of minor behavior problems that are referred to the police, pushing kids into the criminal system."

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