
Friday, March 29, 2013

Why do people think Republicans are assholes?

From Daily Kos...

Why oh why do people have misconceptions about Republicans?
by Mother MagsFollow

Reince Priebus says many people have misconceptions about Republicans, but his fancy new report 'splains how they can fix it.

So why do people think Republicans don't care about the poor?

    A familiar budget plan to sharply cut safety-net programs for the poor and clamp down on domestic agencies performing the nuts-and-bolts programs of the government is cruising to passage in the tea party-flavored House. Seattle Times

So why do people think Republicans don't care about Hispanics?

    Senator David Vitter announced today that he will put a "hold" on Obama's nomination of Thomas Perez as labor secretary, partly on the grounds of his work on … the New Black Panther case. Other Republican Senators plan to paint Perez as a "radical legal activist" who has "tried to help illegal immigrants avoid detection," as the New York Times puts it. Washington Post

So why do people think Republicans have a problem with younger voters?

    If our Party is not welcoming and inclusive, young people and increasingly other voters will continue to tune us out. The Party should be proud of its conservative principles, but just because someone disagrees with us on 20 percent of the issues, that does not mean we cannot come together on the rest of the issues where we do agree. RNC Report
    [Translation: We'll keep hating on the gays.]

So why do people think Republicans are the party of the rich? (C'mon, you know you want to continue reading to find out why.)

    Millionaires would get a sizable tax cut if Rep. Paul Ryan's budget proposal were to become law. Those with incomes exceeding $1 million would enjoy an average tax cut of more than $200,000, according to Citizens for Tax Justice, a left-leaning group. And it could be even bigger if Congress doesn't try to limit tax deductions, credits and preferences to offset the costs of the proposed tax cuts. CNN

So why do people think Republicans don't care about African Americans?

    A GOP consultant who asked to remain anonymous out of fear of retribution said black voters were a concern. "I know that the cutting out of the Sunday before Election Day was one of their targets only because that's a big day when the black churches organize themselves," he said. (Think Progress)

So why do people think Republicans are cruel hypocrites?

    Among the 66 House Republicans who opposed the [Sandy relief] package on Jan. 15 and a $9.7 billion flood insurance measure on Jan. 4, at least 36 had sought aid after disasters in their states. Bloomberg

So why do people think Republicans are anti-science?

    "[M]y point is, God's still up there. The arrogance of people to think that we, human beings, would be able to change what He is doing in the climate is to me outrageous." Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK)

So why do people think Republicans are the party of Big Oil?

    Senate Republicans on Thursday shot down a proposal to slash subsidies for big oil companies, barely an hour after a plea by President Barack Obama to end such breaks to firms which are "raking in record profits." mnn

So why do people think Republicans are the party of old intolerant white guys?

    "Listen, I believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman," Boehner said. "All right. It's what I grew up with. It's what I believe. It's what my church teaches me. And I can't imagine that position would ever change." HuffPo

So why do people think Republicans don't care about veterans?

    Senate Republicans prevented a veterans' jobs bill from coming to a vote today by forcing a budget point of order vote. Think Progress

So why do people think Republicans are controlled by the defense industry?

    House Republicans are now trying to make something else happen: a reversal of some of the sequester's defense spending reductions. On Wednesday, nearly every House Republican voted for a continuing resolution that would provide $982 billion in discretionary funding for the government to stay for the next six months. That keeps spending in line with the sequester's topline figure. But the House CR also quietly restores about $10 billion in funding to the Department of Defense budget.

So why do people think Republicans have a problem with women?

    Republican lawmakers are pushing abortion-restricting bills in both Indiana and Arkansas, suggesting the GOP did not learn from the national backlash to super aggressive abortion rhetoric in the 2012 elections. MSNBC

So why do people think Republicans don't care about jobs, the middle class, and the nation's economic recovery?

    The House on Friday rejected a Democratic push to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10, shooting down one of President Obama's priorities from his State of the Union speech. WA Times

And why oh why do people think Republicans are the stupid party?

    "I was the first member of Congress to call him a socialist who embraces Marxist-Leninist policies like government control of health care and redistribution of wealth," [Georgia Sen. Paul] Broun says of Obama in the letter. PolitiFact

Yeah, Reince, you can fix this with some new slogans, different logos, a happier tone, more outreach and a new brand. Just be sure to hang on to those "core values."

Originally posted to Maggie's Farm on Thu Mar 21, 2013 at 05:07 AM PDT.

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