
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Romney and the 47%

During the Presidential campaign, Mitt Romney spoke before a group of wealthy contributors in Florida and made reference to the fact that 47% of Americans were on the dole and therefore would never vote for a Republican for President. This reference would have been fine had it remained with his private audience, but one of the wait staff had set his cell phone to video recording, and this was captured and released to the public.

The guy who recorded the message recently came forward and appeared on a number of the liberal media shows on MSNBC,  He said that he kept annonymous at first because "at the time he shot the video, he was living paycheck to paycheck without a car or health insurance, so it was a serious risk to his livelihood to make the video public."

But - and this is the part I wanted to make a point of today, there is a difference between Democrats and Republicans and this too had a profound effect on the guy's willingness to release the video. 

    " Ironically, it was another politician's desire to connect with catering staff at a previous event that made the Romney 47 percent video possible. After a previous event the bartender had worked, former President Bill Clinton made a point of going into the kitchen and talking to the waiters, bartenders, and busboys. Like Bill Clinton always does. So...

    When the bartender learned he would be working at Romney's fundraiser, his first thought was to bring his camera, in case he had a chance to get a photo with the presidential candidate.

    Romney, of course, did not speak to any of the staff, bussers or waiters. He was late to the event, and rushed out. He told his dinner guests that the event was off the record, but never bothered to repeat the admonition to the people working there.

And there was the bartender, with his camera. How inconvenient for Mitt Romney, whose candidacy was seriously damaged by someone too unimportant for him to even shake hands with. But how convenient for voters who got to hear what Romney really thought of them.

Quotes and information reported here taken from Daily Kos.

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