
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Learning to love hate.

From Daily Kos...

Marriage will be just fine, thanks.

Here's a New York Times article on the most stalwart marriage equality holdouts among Republican youngfolk. Apparently most of them work for think tanks, too, which is quite the coincidence.

    "Proponents of same-sex marriage have done a fantastic job of telling the story of same-sex marriage through music and television and film," said Eric Teetsel, 29, the executive director of the Manhattan Declaration, which describes itself as a movement of Christians for life, marriage and religious freedom. "I think it's really a case where once they hear the other side of the issue, and really think about it deeply, we're going to win a lot of those folks back."

See, there's your problem. The marriage equality side has Will and Grace and Glee and this and that; what crabby conservatives need is some good, uplifting music or tv shows about hating gay people. You could have, say, a sitcom about a group of well-dressed College Republicans who go out and tell other people they're going to hell because they're not playing for Team Babymakerz, and maybe after that they show some gay couple the error of their ways (Oh! It turns out we're not gay after all, we were just confused!) everybody sings a peppy song.

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