
Friday, February 22, 2013

Why is the NRA so obnoxious?

From The Political Carnival...

Rachel Maddow is bringing something very important to our attention, something that not enough of us may be aware of: Wayne LaPierre is a rodeo clown whose job it is to distract us:

"They're taking the fight to the industry. They're following the money. And if you're [Wayne LaPierre], that's very bad news indeed, right?"

"Ever wonder why everything he says seems increasingly inflammatory? It's not that he's dumb. It's not that he doesn't know what is going to upset you when you listen to a speech or a sound bite from him."

"The National Rifle Association exists to bug you. The National Rifle Association exists to make you think of him, to make you pay attention to him, and to the NRA instead of to the industry that pays the NRA to be their heat shield."

"Nobody knows the name of the CEOs of the manufacturing companies in this country that make guns. Nobody knows who runs the various gun companies and the various accessories companies."

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