
Friday, February 01, 2013

Education in the US

From Mother Jones

Texas Public Schools: Still Teaching Creationism
-By Josh Harkinson| Mon Jan. 28, 2013 3:01 AM PST

In Texas public schools, children learn that the Bible provides scientific proof that Earth is 6,000 years old, that the origins of racial diversity trace back to a curse placed on Noah's son, and that astronauts have discovered "a day missing in space" that corroborates biblical stories of the sun standing still. 
These are some of the findings detailed in Reading, Writing & Religion II, a new report by the Texas Freedom Network that investigates how public schools in the Lone Star State promote religious fundamentalism under the guise of offering academic courses about the Bible. The report, written by Mark Chancey, a professor of religious studies at Southern Methodist University, found that more than half of the state's public-school Bible courses taught students to read the book from a specifically Christian theological perspective-a clear violation of rules governing the separation of church and state.

And there's much, much more. Go to the site to read the article - it's enlightening and sort of suggests why the US educational system is failing.

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