
Saturday, November 03, 2012

Another dose of political points through images.

Corporations are an important part of our economy - but they are heartless and require strong regulations to keep them working in our best interests.

Amensty - whatever it is, she's against it. You gotta love the Tea Party.

Barney Frank explains the difference between Democrats and Republicans.

Fox News - purveyor of the world's treasure chest of misinformation.

How do you measure crass when it comes to women's rights?

Ever notice how few apologies - real apologies - come from supporters of the GOP?

Trickle down - it should work any day now.

 Communism - Capitalism - which is it that Romney prefers?

The whole religion thing - it never makes sense - and it can't - because every Christian's view of religion is different. You can interpret it any way you want - and - amazingly - each Christian's view of God's values seems to match their own values.

In the midst of this campaign, still no word from either party on the need to end the war on drugs. It's doing more harm than the drugs are.

Just a question on the Family Values thing that Republicans like to push.

 A quick explanation on the way in which Fox News crafts a story.

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