
Sunday, November 11, 2012

A quote from HP Lovecraft (`1890-1937) on Republicans.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Lovecraft was an avid anti-Semitic white supremacist. During Lovecraft’s lifetime, the Democratic Party and the Ku Klux Klan were deeply intertwined and shared his views. I don’t think the words of Lovecraft should be put on a pedestal on a website such as your own. Here are some quotes from Lovecraft:

    “As for this flabby talk of an “Americanism” which opposes all racial discrimination—that is simply goddamned bull****!”

    “But I, thank the Gods, am an Aryan, & can rejoice in the glorious victory of T. Flavius Vespasianus, under whose legions the Jewish race & their capital were trodden out of national existence!”

    “The Jew is an adverse influence, since he insidiously degrades or Orientalizes our robust Aryan civilization.”

    “It is a mistake to allow Jews to mingle with Aryans as social equals. I have never been forced to do this, & at high school I drew the colour line at Jews as well as negroes, though of course there is no racial comparison between the two classes of undesirables.”

    “On the other hand, the negro represents a vastly inferior biological variant which must under no circumstances taint our Aryan stock.”

    “We are Aryan pagans by heritage, and our deep, instinctive code of ultimate values is completely antipodal to the Jew’s.”

    “In general, I think any nation ought to keep close to its original dominant race-stock—remaining largely Nordic if it started that way”

    “Of the complete biological inferiority of the negro there can be no question—he has anatomical features consistently varying from those of other stocks, & always in the direction of the lower primates.”

    “Wherever superior races have absorbed large doses of inferior blood, the results have been tragic. Egypt is one case–& India presents a still more loathsome extreme. The Aryans in India were too late in establishing their colour-based caste system, so that today the culture of the Hindoo is probably the most thoroughly repulsive on our planet. The more one learns about India, the more one wants to vomit.”

    “It is no novelty for Aryans to dwell as a minority amidst a larger black population—such has been the case in Alabama & Mississippi for decades, & the upper part of South Africa is having a similar experience. But the effect of this condition is generally to heighten rather than relax the colour-line. The white minority adopt desperate & ingenious means to preserve their Caucasian integrity—resorting to extra-legal measures such as lynching & intimidation when the legal machinery does not sufficiently protect them. Of course it is unfortunate that such a state of sullen tension has to exist—but anything is better than the mongrelisation which would mean the hopeless deterioration of a great nation.”

