
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Understanding politics

Isn't it strange how the Republicans claim to want less government - except when it comes to telling women what they can and can't do with their own bodies and minds?

Can we use the ballot boxes to overthrow the thieves running our country? It's going to take a new charismatic leader to do it - someone who can educate the masses and acquire enough followers to get new leadership throughout. Someone like a Ralph Nader - but with a personality.

One can only marvel at the stupidity of Republican nonsense.

The rationale used by Republicans to argue for their proposals isn't rational.

You don't have to look far to realize how many people want to abuse women - and I don't just mean physical abuse.

For many with a belief in a 2000 year old book written by people with far less knowledge than our average 5th grader of today, ignorance seems to be bliss.

In many municipalities, as much as 50% of the property is not taxable - and the burden falls on the rest of us. It is time to undo this horrible injustice.

This is what happens when the corporations control your country. Neither Romney or Obama can break us loose from the bonds that corporations now hold over the government - it is going to take a voting revolution by the average citizen to throw out all of the bums and to elect a whole new crowd of reformers.

I am not an economist - still, I have studied it a little and I do read about it a lot. My personal belief about the current state of our economy is that, more than any other factor, the redistribution of wealth into the hands of a few oligarchs is our biggest problem - it draws income from the poor and middle class and destroys the demand side of the economic market.

Romney seems to have contributed nothing really positive to the nation since he began his political run.

I suspect Romney really isn't a bad person, his vision is just seriously distorted by his wealth and the wealthy people he surrounds himself with.

Maybe it's my age and I didn't see the stupidity that runs rampant among our national leaders when I was younger, or maybe the country is really losing all semblance of rationality.

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