
Monday, October 29, 2012

Politics time again.

Maybe Obama did more for you and yours than you thought?

Those who hate based on race, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation are mostly taught those feelings.

If elected, Paul Ryan would becomne the vice-hypocrite in-chief.

 Here's an apt description of the Republicans in this year's election cycle.

Republicans are trying to loosen up on their approach to women's issues.

 I've covered this topic before - the loss of income and fair distribution of the tax burden because of tax breaks given to religious organizations.

It sure SOUNDS like Romney et. al. want a piece of the welfare pie, doesn't it?

Can't disagree - Obama's not my favorite, but he's the best we've got.

The cost of a Republican restructuring of Medicare. You can view this graphic larger by clicking on it.

Here's a grand description of a major party candidate to lead this country. If this is really where we are headed, it won't be long before we are as backward and regressive as the Muslim nations of the Middle East.

They pay low wages and the rest of us pay for welfare benefits to supplement those wages. Make businesses pay a living wage.

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