
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Political images preach to the choir

Mitt and Ann Romney live a privileged lifestyle.

And the non-rich GOP voters are liable to learn this lesson the hard way.

 Bill Maher and his writers are able to neatly describe the GOP every week in a new fashion.

GOP + Greed

Republicans like to criticize  government programs as being ineffective - but have you looked at the blunders in the private sector? There are some beauts.

Republicans - putting business before people and not understanding it when a large number of people object.

Chick-fil-A has a strange sense of mission in growing their business.

Stimulus is only bad if it's you providing it.

 Where does a lot of the public debt come from? The very part of government that the Republicans want to expand. They seem to have a sense of values that eludes me.

One measure of Obama's success is the number of losers who complain about the job he is doing.
 We could get government to spend a lot less each year if we made businesses pay a living wage to all employees. As it is now, we have to subsidize a lot of low wage workers with food stamps, HEAP, and other forms of welfare. Where are the Republicans on this issue when they talk about keeping government out of private sector business?

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