
Friday, October 05, 2012

Political graphics from a liberal.

How many of the religious zealots in our midst are religious zealots just because they have evils of their own to hide?

The wealthy would employ the rest of us to work their farms, factories and homes, but they do want to keep you poor. Placing more of a tax burden on the middle class relieves the wealthy of having to pay their fair share.

The wealthy do not really despise the lower-class people in their society -they rely on them for their wealth and want to keep them poor.

Conservatives like quick, simple little diddies to help them understand the world because deep thought is so difficult.

The wealthy upper-class Americans learned how to treat the 47% a very long time ago, and they are still employing those techniques. Ever wonder why they don't want to spend for a better public education?

Mitt Romney - you no check his background!

You made a funny and Mitt Ryan laughed.  Like so many of the elite over the generations that mankind has existed, the privileged don't want to understand that if you tax the poor, you don't get any money - because they are poor. When you want to raise money, you have to aim your taxes at where the money IS!

Mitt Romney does not like the poors.

Paul Ryan explains his budget plan.

Mitt Romney - no statistician he.

It's not just Clint Eastwood who sees imaginary foes. (Are you listening, Mitt?)

The whole "separation of church and state" things has certainly gotten twisted around over the years.

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