
Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Trying to get a grasp on the merits of religious belief

Is your love of religion fueled by your ignorance?

You may not agree with the tactics of these folks, but they get the source of their hate from the same book you worship.

Questioning the Bible - you can click on this image to enlarge it (if you are on a device that allows larger images).

So many on the religious right have little concept of what is really in the Bible.

Religious marriage counseling - and if you Christians have a problem with this representation, just read the quotes in your Bible about the man being the head of the household and the woman's opinion being worthless.

What does your God have against children?

If you're going to espouse a set of political beliefs based on what is in the Bible, then you damn well better support laws that enshrine ALL of what is in the Bible.
Cherry picking is not allowed.

I am - I am in awe of the false promises of religion.

Does your God hate - or just not care about - the children you say he created?

Traditional marriage - which started as a very weird relationship.

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