
Saturday, September 01, 2012

The liberal side - political images and descriptions

Mitt loves him some war, but veterans? Maybe not so much. Like the rest of the middle-class and poor Americans, he sees veterans as disposable.

Getting a grasp of the trade-offs between the positions of the two parties.

Mormonism - Scientology - just a little more moronic than the mainstream religions.

At the DNC convention, will the leaders of the Democratic Party speak loudly on the need to restore Congress to sanity, or will it be all selfishness?

Just one example of why we want to re-elect Obama and return the majority in the Congress to Democrats. The alternative is unthinkable.

One of their own, Republican says the party is insane."

Play on an old country song, "Congress for sale or rent, laws to let - 50 cents."

A powerful statement, mostly true, on the lack of humanity within corporations.

Todd Akins philosophy taken to extremes.

Romney takes aim at minorities while promising tax cuts for the wealthy

The failure of the Republican economic plan

When ignorance takes control...

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