
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Political commentary and humor

If you follow this blog at all, you know my utter disdain for the very existence of the TSA and it's barbaric procedures at airports. It is, in my mind, an unmitigated violation of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Shame on those of you who perpetuate this system. The founding fathers would be in tears.

On Facebook it is not uncommon to see postings from people who claim that they are protecting your rights because they own guns. Here's a little scorecard of their success. Just sayin'.

Stephen King's message to Mitt Romney.

Because of an abundance of people who live their lives based on the fear and warlike nature of the old testament instead of love, we have the world we live in.

And they wonder why education is lagging behind that of other nations? We're asking the wrong questions - if we test on fantasy and small-mindedness, I'll bet we'd score at the top.

Low tax rates and corporate tax dodges are a major facet in the deficits the U.S. is running.

HP Lovecraft died in 1937, but even back in those days he saw the Republicans for what they really are. Amazingly well said.

The talking point that no one is talking about - with so much wealth collected in the hands of the wealthy and the corporations, there is little for the middle-Americans to share.

Minimum wage does not even come close to be an income someone can live on - it's time for an increase - a big increase.

No Child Left Behind was as big a policy flop as most everything else done by W.

Obama vs. Reagan.

Yeah - it's no longer an "every man for himself" nation that we live in - we are all inter-dependent.

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