
Monday, August 27, 2012

Time for more political images and commentary

Republicans are too busy getting rich at the expense of the poor.

The GOP wants to blame Obama for increasing deficits, but the two biggest contributors to the increasing debt are the Bush tax cuts and two unfunded wars started under GW Bush.

Supply-side economics - about as successful as drinking and driving.

Family research council is neither family centered nor is it doing any legitimate research.

The Republicans don't believe in science and that influences how they see women.

It's not gay people who have the problem - it's you, Mr. Intolerant.

The Federal Government, states, local government and even schools lose out on incredible sums of money because property owned by religious organizations is not taxable.

GOP as pictured in the Wizard of Oz.

Republicans encouraging rape? What sort of warped sense of values do they have?

Wall Street is rooting for Mitt Romney for President - what does that tell you about which candidate YOU should vote for.

The GrandOld Party has little good to say to, or about, women. Just listen.

Some things that Paul Ryan adds to the Republican ticket.

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