
Monday, August 13, 2012

Political commentary highlighting political images

The Republicans are a very, very confused group of people.

Why is US investment in its children declining. Is it so that the super-rich can become super-super-rich?

If we should eliminate the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) because it is unpopular, then what should we do about Congress, which is even more unpopular?

Canadians have a milder sense of outrage - maybe it's the national health insurance.

FDR saw it in the wings, as have many other Presidents.

Fox News - is it building a cult of its followers?

The government provides subsidies for fuel producers in the US.

The Catholic argument against providing health insurance that covers birth control for women who work for them is a contrivance to try to force religion on the government.

The GOP is a broken record - more tax cuts for the rich so they can get richer.

Understanding why the Republicans won't vote to approve a jobs bill until Obama is out of office.

Once a Congressperson serves even a day in Congress, they have their health insurance provided free for the rest of their lives.

Just trying to explain demand-side economics - and since the U.S. has little production left, we DO have a demand-side economy.

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