
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

More political stuff for you to consider

Mitt wouldn't be Mitt without America - Stephen King

A metaphor for the Republican party in Congress today.

There's a method to the madness of Republicans wanting to privatize Social Security.

I'd guess that Romney has a lot of things to hide.

It's important that you get registered and vote!

Enforcing poverty on people is not more than torture.

Paul Ryan has been illegally using music from Rage Against the Machine without paying royalties or getting permission.

Put Romney's tax rate into perspective.

The Republican National Committees commitment to destroying women's rights.

The U.S. needs to commit time and money to its infrastructure before it costs a lot more to replace rather than repair.

Here's a great metaphor for the Republican economic theories.

When the Republicans talk about creating jobs, don't forget to consider THESE issues.

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