
Monday, August 13, 2012

Just thinking about job creation

Has it ever struck you as odd that both Democrats and Republicans bray at the moon most every day about the need we have in the U.S. for small businesses because they are the job creators? And yet almost all tax breaks and incentives are designed to help out mega-corporations like Wal*Mart?

I live near a small community which was populated with a lot of small businesses - a small grocery, a small hardware store, a mom-and-pop drug store, a store that sold yard equipment (lawn mowers, snow blowers,etc.), a pet store and many others.  A super Wal*Mart moved in and all but one of those small businesses folded.

Now, instead of a lot of people making a living off of owning their own business, a few even hiring some others to work for them, lots of those people now work in nearly minimum-wage jobs at Wal*Mart, each of them pulling down food stamps, HEAP and other government handouts because we subsidize those low wages.

If the political parties were serious about supporting small businesses, they would make the BIG businesses pay a living wage so that we don't have to subsidize their cheap prices.

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