
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Political imagery and commentary from the left

Do the tenants of fascism sound like any particular political party you know?

Following strong religious tenants may not be the best way to run a country.

Will the liberals and progressives get out to vote this November?

Just trying to make sens of the rabid anti-abortion position.

The gap in the wealth held by a few rich Americans and the rest of the country is a major issue in our economic malaise - we can't heal until the middle class has more purchasing power.

Corporate America has a seriously disturbed view of how things should work.

If we're going to elect Mitt Romney as President of the U.S., then we need to understand how he makes and uses his money for it will surely reflect on how he will handle ours.

Republicans like to talk about morals and family values, but they are no better, if they are not worse, than those they preach to.

Perhaps I misunderstand, but it has consistently appeared to me that the right-wing pundits make a living out of lies and fabrications. Am I wrong? Can anyone show me where my vision of this is incorrect?

Republicans have a lot of success railing on and on about non-issues.

Don't you ever wonder if Republicans ever see the hypocrisy in what they preach? Or is the Ryan budget just grandstanding? Do they get elected and then do nothing different than Obama has been doing?

Getting a handle on unrestrained capitalism. Capitalism  isn't bad in and of itself, bit it needs controls.

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