
Sunday, July 08, 2012

Acerbic political imagery and commentary

The mainstream media has really turned a deaf ear and a dumb mind toward the middle class. CNN is becoming Fox Lite to such a degree that I can't watch most of their shows anymore.

I'm sure going to miss Barney Frank in Congress next year - here's another of his great witticisms.

Republicans discussing energy in cartoon format.

Republicans want a return to the past and to days of ignorance, and here is a menu of the the changes they'd like to see.

In his own twisted mind, this is how Roger Ailes sees the world.

A bumper sticker for liberals.

If Obama worked on it, he could really play games with Fox News and their strange sense that whatever the President says is wrong.

A chart demonstrating the accuracy of Fox News.

Jon Stewart explaining some of the ways in which Republicans alter facts to make illogical arguments.

Well, this is dated, but it still goes to show you what the Republican family values are really all about - they're about shame and cover-up.

If the U.S. is going to return to its glory days, there must be a minor redistribution of wealth so as to increase the size and affluence of the middle class.

Obama doing his best to control the growth in Federal spedning, despite the Great Recession. 

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