
Saturday, December 03, 2011

Jobs in the U.S. - Republicans speak out of both sides of their mouth.

One argument that Republicans use repeatedly to defend their position in opposition to job-creation legislation at the Federal level is that "Government spending doesn't create jobs - only private investment does." They create some pretty nifty charts and ask their friends with lots of private-sector money to confirm what they are saying, that government jobs aren't jobs, but ask any government employee in this country - any of the nearly 2 million Federal employees alone - if their job is a job, and my guess would be that they'd say yes. What follows is one of their propaganda films with questionable back-up charts and surveys to support their position. I'm not an economist and I could refute half of this stuff without even doing any research on it.


But now, with the failure of the Congressional Super-Committee to come up with a deficit reducing budget for the next 10-years, the fallback position is that most parts of the federal budget must be cut by a substantial margin - including the Republican's beloved defense department. "Oh NOES!," the Republicans are wailing, "Less war! Less Killing! Less fear-mongering! and fewer jobs if we cut federal spending on defense."
But how could this be? They have been telling us that government spending doesn't create jobs. Really it doesn't - unless they are war-making jobs?  Here's another video - this one demonstrating the Republican fear-mongering and over-exaggeration of job losses with a cut in government spending in the defense department.

Really - Republicans have no shame. Or they don't have the ability to reason deeply enough to see the hypocrisy of their positions. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

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