
Monday, February 28, 2011

Why isn't EVERYONE packing?

We all know that if everyone carried a gun, no one would ever get shot or robbed - we'd all be scared shitless of one another. I mean, who would be the first to go off his nut and start gunning everybody down, so then we could all shoot each other in self-defense and nobody would get hurt?  Or something like that.  John Walkenbach reports...

Men Shot At Gun Show
from The J-Walk Blog

In Illinois: Two injured in accidental shooting at Bloomington gun show.

Two men were injured in an accidental shooting Saturday morning at the ECA Gun and Knife Show at Bloomington’s Sale Barn.
An attendee at the show was handling a mini-14 semiautomatic rifle at about 11:15 a.m. As the patron was laying the rifle back on a vendor table, the gun accidentally discharged, said McLean County Sheriff Mike Emery.
“The round went through a post, through a person and then into another person,” Emery said.

Accidents happen, and boys will be boys.

But this is pretty strange:

Emery said the discharged round was a .223- caliber bullet, and police would be investigating why a loaded gun was on hand at the show. "It’s firearm safety,” Emery said. “There should not be one weapon on the premises that has ammunition in it.”

I'd bet about 100% of the attendees would disagree with him. What if a maniac comes in? How are they supposed to defend themselves? I think it would be safer if all guns were fully loaded.

Yeah - just think - if all of the guns at the show were loaded, everyone there could have picked up a gun and fired at the dipshit who discharged the gun and anybody else who was moving around.  What a great time THAT would have been!

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