
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

You can see why I think right-wingers are nuts...

The following is a little dated, but still good information. If you are at all rational and educated, you understand the absolute stupidity in some of the responses enumerated beneath the opening paragraphs You can read more HERE.

What do Islamic fundamentalists have in common with the far-right core of the Republican Party? And what do your average, non-extremist Muslims have in common with the (slim) majority of the GOP who are not right wingers?

The answers, of course, are obvious - the first two treat their worldview as the only correct, God-given view and treat anyone who demurs from this as worthy of any sort of attack up to and including destroying them, and the second pair remain silent, as in Burke's admonition that "all that is needed for evil to triumph is for good [people] to remain silent."

As reported elsewhere on HP, The Daily Kos, a liberal/progressive blog, employs a very reputable and neutral polling organization called Research 2000 to do polling for them on a weekly basis and posts their results no matter what they show, including demographic information about those polled.

Recently they posted the results of the Daily Kos/Research 2000 Republican Poll 2010. For this poll, conducted between January 20 and 31, 2010, the interviewed 2003 self-identified Republicans by phone.
---39% of those surveyed say Barack Obama should be impeached with 32% saying no, and 29% not sure.
--- 63% said yes to "do you think Barack Obama is a Socialist, with 21% saying no and 16% not sure.
---36% believe Obama was not born in the US and 22% aren't sure.
---24% believe Obama "wants the terrorists to win" and 33% aren't sure.

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