
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Crooked Senators

I guess I'm officially on a rant today, after that last post and this one.

No matter what you think of the Senates new health-care-reform bill, it didn't come without a lot of bribery. Most Senators got paid huge sums of money (paid into their campaign funds, of course, so as not to look like actual bribes) to get rid of the public option and any substantive reform that didn't benefit the insurance companies and big pharmaceutical companies. But there was more than that.

Gawker summarized some of the bribes needed to get the votes. I'll post just the first two - click on the link to read the rest.

If Your Senator Didn't Get Paid for Supporting Healthcare Reform, You're a Sucker

Nebraska gets permanent federal aid for its increased Medicaid costs under the bill, valued at $100 million over the next decade. Every other state gets three years of increased aid.

The residents of Libby, Mont., will get special access to Medicare to cover the effects of asbestos contamination from a vermiculite mine that operated there until 1990, thanks to Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.). The EPA has already devoted $6 million to the town's 2,600 residents.

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