
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Calling Out Stupidity

The Plum Line Greg Sargent's blog
German Reporter To Senator Inhofe: “You’re Ridiculous”

Via Steve Benen, GOP Senator James Inhofe apparently journeyed to Copenhagen to let the pointy-headed Europeans know that America damn well isn’t doing anything about global warming anytime soon. Once there, he had an amusing exchange with a group of reporters:

Inhofe’s aides eventually rustled up a group of reporters, and the Oklahoman — wearing black snakeskin cowboy boots — held forth from the top of a flight of stairs in the conference media center.

“We in the United States owe it to the 191 countries to be well-informed and know what the intentions of the United States are. The United States is not going to pass a cap and trade,” he said. “It’s just not going to happen.”

A reporter asked: “If there’s a hoax, then who’s putting on this hoax, and what’s the motive?”

“It started in the United Nations,” Inhofe said, “and the ones in the United States who really grab ahold of this is the Hollywood elite.”

One reporter asked Inhofe if he was referring to California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Another reporter — this one from Der Spiegel — told the senator: “You’re ridiculous.”

From: Who Runs Gov (click the link to read more.)

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