
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Republican's Are Nasty SOB's

You can argue that the AIG bonuses are an outrage - that executives from a company that has lost over $100 billion and cost taxpayers an equal amount do not even deserve to be employed at that company, let alone be paid bonuses. Obviously there were some pretty badly executed contracts with the executives if the bonuses weren't contingent on a successful year for the company, but is that any excuse for calling for the death penalty?

If you've ever had any doubt that Republicans can be heartless, vicious bastards, then let that doubt vanish now. The following report is from Progress Report, 3/17/2009.

RADICAL RIGHT -- CONSERVATIVES SUGGEST DEATH FOR AIG EXECS SET TO RECEIVE BONUSES: Politicians and pundits from both sides of the aisle have expressed outrage at the recent news that bailed-out insurance giant AIG will be paying $165 million in bonuses to same executives that "brought the company to the brink of collapse." President Obama and members of Congress are trying to figure out a way to revoke the bonuses, while others have called for top executives to be fired. While conservatives have joined in the mass discontent with AIG, some are taking their anger a bit too far. Yesterday on a local Iowa radio show, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) suggested that AIG executives consider committing suicide. And last night on Fox News, far right pundit Charles Krauthammer and his milder counterpart Mort Kondracke argued that some should be put to death. "I would be for an exemplary hanging or two. Have it in Times Square, invite Madame DuFarge. You borrow a guillotine from the French and we could have a party," Krauthammer exclaimed. Kondracke agreed. "I was going to recommend boiling in oil in Times Square, but look, because these are the people who invented these crazy credit default swaps that are leading to the whole disaster," he said.

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