
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Let's Show The Racisits That There's Another Way

At one McCain rally a woman stood up and told John that she wouldn't vote for Obama because he was an Arab. At one Palin rally, as she questioned her audience as to who Barack Hussein Obama REALLY was, someone in the audience called out, "Terrorist."

But don't be confused. What they are yelling out are code-words. They don't really mean Arab or terrorist - they really mean "black." They are racists and they are having conniption fits over the very notion that a man of African-American descent might be President of the United States. Their minds can only be changed by watching it happen - and watching it happen in a positive, country-improving way.

The following is inspiring - you owe it to yourself to watch it. I found it on an Andrew Sullivan web site...

A pretty amazing speech by the AFL-CIO's Richard Trumka. To see a white union man take on racism this way is very moving. Something truly profound could happen in this election, if we want it to:

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