
Friday, February 15, 2008

Democrats Grow a Pair? (News) (Commentary)

Could it be? Oh, Lord, please tell me it's so! Some of the Democrats in Congress might actually start behaving like men with a conviction! Some more behavior like this and I might actually contribute my annual 10 bucks to the party.

From the LA Times...

In a sharp rebuke to the White House, the Senate passed legislation Wednesday that would impose sweeping new restrictions on interrogation methods used by the CIA and ban a widely condemned technique known as waterboarding, in which a prisoner is made to feel he is drowning.

President Bush is expected to veto the bill, which would outlaw an array of coercive interrogation tactics that U.S. allies have denounced but the administration has said are crucial to prevent terrorist attacks.

The measure, already approved in the House, would require the CIA to abide by strict interrogation guidelines adopted by the Army after the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal.

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