This blog will focus on political images I have found all around the Internet, though I will intersperse some commentary and quotes that I find interesting.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Congressional Democrats Are a Real Disappointment
While I (and about 200 million other Americans) are not happy with the way our nation has been run under President Bush, I'm also not very happy with the way my own Democrats have run the Congress. I have expressed my displeasure this year, for the first time in many years, by not paying my dues to the National Democratic Party, nor have I donated any of my paltry earnings (and I am NOT a big donor) to any of the candidates. If the Republicans block just about any legislation they want to up in Washington, why don't the damn Democrats block funding for the war, or block FISA until they get the language they want? Shame on them.
Quietly, while Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have been inspiring Democrats everywhere with their rolling bitchfest, congressional superduo Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have completed one of the most awesome political collapses since Neville Chamberlain. At long last, the Democratic leaders of Congress have publicly surrendered on the Iraq War, just one year after being swept into power with a firm mandate to end it. Solidifying his reputation as one of the biggest pussies in U.S. political history, Reid explained his decision to refocus his party's energies on topics other than ending the war by saying he just couldn't fit Iraq into his busy schedule. "We have the presidential election," Reid said recently. "Our time is really squeezed."
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