
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bush - Hey, Big Spender (News)

Ever since the Democrats have won a majority in Congress, President Bush has suddenly begun to act like a Conservative - trying to stop earmarks in Congress which would reward districts controlled by Democratic legislators with federal funding for local projects. When the Republicans controlled the legislature, he never said a word about it - and the Republicans spent a whole lot more on this pork than are the Democrats.

Now, even as he barks at the Democrats, it has been discovered that Bush himself has built a boatload of pork into his three trillion dollar budget - and he's buried it deep in fine print.

From the NY Times (free subscription may be required to view)...

President Bush often denounces the propensity of Congress to earmark money for pet projects. But in his new budget, Mr. Bush has requested money for thousands of similar projects.

He asked for money to build fish hatcheries, eradicate agricultural pests, conduct research, pave highways, dredge harbors and perform many other specific local tasks.

The details are buried deep in the president’s budget, just as most Congressional earmarks are buried in obscure committee reports that accompany spending bills.

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