
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Republicrats Screw Californians

Not so long ago, perhaps last fall, California decided to try to set higher automobile gasoline consumption regulations than the Federal Government. Their motives seemed decent enough - they have one of the highest air pollution rates in the country and they wanted to protect their people and their environment from further harm.

Almost immediately, because they loves them some big business and they did not want the automobile manufacturers to have hurt feelings, the EPA ruled that California could not set their own standards. There can be no other logical reason for this than the Republicans protecting the profits of their friends in big business. In other words, screw the average citizen of California - let them eat poison.

Senator Barbara Boxer (D - California) decided that she didn't like this, so she called for hearings in the Senate over the EPA's actions.

Surprise, surprise! The EPA does not wish to turn over the documents related to their decision making on the matter. They counter that the Senate should just go away and leave them alone to take good care of their friends.

Honest to God - it is just beyond my ability to understand the position that the Republicans have taken here. How can one believe that the interests of business should trump the interest of trying to improve the human condition? Is it a love for money? A hate for poor people?

Can anyone reading this explain it to me?

For more on this, link here.

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