
Friday, January 18, 2008

Another Republican Terrorist

We are all human - we all make mistakes. Sometimes we say things in a manner that offends someone else - sometimes things we say are taken incorrectly. The recent flap over Hillary's comments on the civil rights laws and whether Martin Luther King or President Lyndon Johnson was more responsible for the legislation is a good example. I listened to Hillary's words several times on the news and I must admit - it was a classic example of someone trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

But then there are times when people are just plain bad. They espouse the party-line beliefs in "family values," "sanctity of life," "moral code" and on and on, but then they act purposely and maliciously in a manner that will harm others. It is for personal profit or gain only. It is nasty stuff and there is, simply put, no rationale that can justify the behavior.

Mark Siljander, a former Republican state legislator and Congressman from Michigan, has been indicted "on federal charges of money laundering, conspiracy and obstruction of justice in a scheme to assist a U.S.-based Islamic charity organization funnel money to Al Qaeda and Taliban-linked terrorists in Pakistan."

Read more at the Detroit Free Press...

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